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Audiologist Joanna Wallace was awarded a TSB GoodStuff! grant to trial a tele-audiology service to children in South Auckland suspected of having APD but unable to access specialist APD services. Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs) referred children, and acted as case coordinators and tele-audiology facilitators. Children were able to be assessed in school by an audiologist working remotely, and were connected to Ministry of Education Assistive Technology services for a remote microphone hearing aid system trial if eligible. The trial was successful and well-received.

Joanna Wallace is a specialist APD audiologist at SoundSkills APD Clinic. Karen Blackall, Education Adviser at SoundSkills, helped design the project. Thanks to Cluster 11 RTLBs Karen Eaton, David Livermore and Kieren Brand for making this project possible.

SoundSkills has now merged with Family Hearing Clinic, located on 371 Manukau Road, Epsom. Visit our website here.